基凡吉與凱爾深厚的感情羨煞不少人。(擷圖自凱爾 Instagram)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國奧勒岡州的一名男子基凡吉(Mike Jivanjee),2年前在奧斯威戈湖(Lake Oswego)意外救了一隻差點溺水而死的加拿大雁幼鳥凱爾(Kyle),基凡吉走到哪都帶著它,並打算等凱爾恢復健康後,要野放它,讓它回到屬於它的大自然。而當凱爾恢復健康後,基凡吉開車到很遠的地方,準備進行野放,讓它回歸自然,但基凡吉沒想到當他回家時,卻發現凱爾已經在家門口等他了!可愛的模樣讓基凡吉決定與凱爾一起生活,並成立凱爾專屬平台《kylethegoose》分享他們相處的點滴。凱爾是加拿大雁,看起來狀態很好的它有10磅那麼重,從《kylethegoose》可以看得出來基凡吉與凱爾的感情深厚,幾乎無時無刻相處在一起,好感情羨煞不少人。 I read the email and question 7 said Name your 3 favorite books and how they influenced your life? 1. The old man and sea taught me that you can never have too big of a boat. 2. Where the red fern grows taught me at an early age that dogs have a crazy sense of smell and hiding stuff in the trunk won't work 3. The Great Gatsby taught me that even if you own the biggest house on the lake, dont let chicks drive your cars, no matter how hot they are. Get off my back I haven't picked up a book since high school. @animals_video -song called fast car feat Dakota -radio edit) ??? Kyle Goose(@kylethegoose)張貼的影片 於 2016 年 10月 月 19 6:25下午 PDT 張貼